You’ve got a dream to
make your fortune online. Maybe you want to sell a product like I did… or sell coaching… or software… or a service… or an Ecomm product. Maybe you’re a professional, or a speaker, or an author, or a coach.
You’re tired of seeing your competitors make sales when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you’ve got a better product. Maybe you’ve thought about hiring a copywriter, but when you see their prices you have a heart attack (not only from the up front fees, but they even want a percentage of your hard-earned money for as long as you run the sales letter)!
You’ve probably heard “gurus” brag about the millions of dollars they made. They all seem to have an “I made a million dollars and look how cool I am” story. It makes you want to bang your head against a wall because it all feels so out of reach!
Maybe your dream is to make a LOT more sales online using a funnel, store, or website. Maybe you need more leads in your business or for the phone to ring a little more often. Or maybe your dream is just to get something going so you can pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk left over (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet).
Whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to do it quickly and on "auto-pilot" so you can enjoy your life and family... instead of working all the time!
In the past, you may have experienced failure trying to sell online (or offline) and now what really petrifies you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).
I want you to understand one thing right now!